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Festival GroArt je osmišljen kao platforma za povezivanje umetnosti i prakse, koja deci osnovnoškolskog uzrasta pruža priliku da pristupe umetnosti na jedan potpuno nov način. Osnovni cilj i ideja ovog festivala je da deci iz osnovnih škola sa teritorije opštine Grocka približi književnost, muzičku, likovnu umetnost i multimedije na način koji će im omogućiti da ove discipline koriste u raznim segmentima obrazovanja. Takođe, deca če se osposobiti da povezuju znanja iz različitih oblasti i da ih dalje upotrebljavaju kako u obrazovanju, tako i u svakodnevnom životu. Festival je realizovan u okviru redovnog programa ‚‚Dečija nedelja‚‚ koja se kao manifestacija organizuje u čitavoj Srbiji tokom prve nedelje oktobra meseca.

GroArt Fest je zasnovan na radionicama koje polaznicima pružaju mogućnost da učestvuju bez obzira na predznanje iz datih oblasti, ali takođe i da novostečena znanja praktično primene i pokažu nakon završetka radionica, na poslednjem festivalskom danu. Deci se pruža prilika da sarađuju sa predavačima čije iskustvo i dugogodišnja praksa u radu sa decom omogućavaju jedan novi nivo i drugačiji pristup obrazovanju. Nakon završetka radionica polaznici će stečena znanja predstaviti putem diskusije, koncerta, izložbe radova. Sve radionice su osmišljene tako da povezuju znanja iz različitih oblasti, putem disciplinarnog pristupa književnosti i umetnosti.

Tema ovogodišnjeg GroArt Festa je Dunav, te su radionice i koncipirane u duhu same teme.


Radionice u okviru GroArt Festa 

Literarno-književna radionica ‚‚Lepa reč gvozdena vrata otvara‚‚

Rukovodioci: Jelena Lepen, Marija Starčević, profesori srpskog jezika i književnosi u oš ‚‚sveti sava‚‚ vrčin

Muzička radionica – Kreativnost, identitet, kulturno pamćenje

Rukovodilac: Mila Đačić, profesor muzičke kulture u oš ‚‚sveti sava‚‚ vrčin

Likovna radionica ‚‚‚Uradi sam‚‚

Rukovodilac: marina mitrić, profesro likovne kulture u oš ‚‚sveti sava‚‚ vrčin

Multimedijalna radionica ‚‚Od ideje do realizacije‚‚

Rukovodilac: Marija Rakić-Lovrić, profesro muzičke kulture u oš ‚‚banović strahinja‚‚ beograd


Program ovog projekta je korak ka savremenom pristupu simbioze umetosti i obrazovanja, koji pre svega treba probuditi kod mladih. Festival

predstavlja polazište za razvoj novih kompetencija, odnosno znanja iz različitih oblasti, naglašavajui karakteristike koje predstavljaju sponu u razumevanju kulture, ustanovljavajući na taj način svojevrstan kulturni dijalog. Ovakav moderan i edukativno-kulturni program umnogome doprinosi intelektualnom razvoju same sredine u kojoj se održava, ali takođe doprinosi dobroj prezentaciji opštine Grocka koja podržava ovakve projekte.


GroArt Festival is designed as a platform to connect art and practice that children of primary school age the opportunity to approach art in a completely new way. The main objective of the idea of ​​this festival is that children from primary schools in the municipality of Grocka approached literature, music, visual arts and multimedia in a way that will allow them to this discipline used in various areas of education. Also, if the children are enabled to connect knowledge from various fields and to continue to use both education and in everyday life.
Festival is  held during the  Children's Week, which is an annual event organized in the whole of Serbia during the first week of October. GroArt Fest is based on workshops that provide participants the opportunity to participate regardless of prior knowledge in these areas, but also to the practical application of new knowledge and demonstrate upon completion of the workshop, on the last day of the festival. Children have the opportunity to collaborate with teachers whose experience and long-standing practice of working with children provide a new level and a different approach to education. After completing the workshop, participants will present their knowledge through discussions, concerts, exhibitions of works. All workshops are designed to connect knowledge from different areas, through disciplined approach to literature and art. The theme of this year's Festa GroArt the Danube, as well as workshops and conceived in the spirit of the theme itself.


Workshops of GroArt Fest are as follows:
Literary workshop ‚‚Beautiful word opens the iron door‚‚
Heads of workshop: Jelena Lepen, Marija Starcević, teachers of serbian language and literature in elementary school ‚‚sveti sava‚‚ vrčin
Music Workshop ‚‚Creativity, identity, cultural memory‚‚
Head of workshop: Mila Đačić, music teacher in elemenary school ‚‚sveti sava‚‚ vrčin

art workshop: ‚‚Do it yourself‚‚

head of workshop: Marina Mitrić, art teacher in elementary school ‚‚sveti sava‚‚ vrčin

Multimedia workshop ‚‚From concept to implementation‚‚

Head of workshop: Marija Rakić-Lovrić, music teacher in elementary school banović strahinja, belgrade


The program of this project is a step towards a modern approach symbiosis Art's education, which primarily be awakened in the young. Festival represents the starting point for the development of new competencies and skills in various fields, highlighting the characteristics that constitute a link in understanding the culture, establishing in this way a kind of cultural dialogue. This modern and educational and cultural program greatly contributes to the intellectual development of their own environment in which it is held, but also contributes to the good of the municipality of Grocka supporting such projects.

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