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Dani evropske baštine 2016. 

Dani evropske baštine je manifestacija koja se obeležava širom Evrope. U Srbiji se godine 2016. obeležava temom „Kulturno nasleđe i zajednice – živeti s nasleđem“.

Ove godine Srbija se priključila inicijativi Saveta Evrope da Dani evropske baštine na evropskom nivou budu obeleženi zajedničkom temom „Kulturno nasleđe i zajednice“. Tema se zasniva na načelima Okvirne konvencije Saveta Evrope o vrednosti kulturnog nasleđa za društvo (Faro, 2005), koja naglašava važnu ulogu koju imaju zajednice u upravljanju svojim kulturnim nasleđem i okruženjem, naglašavajući vrednost i potencijal kulturnog nasleđa kao resursa održivog razvoja i kvaliteta života. Ova tema je odabrana sa ciljem da se istakne značaj i rad zajednica - udruženja, porodica, grupa prijatelja i drugih koji upravljaju svojim kulturnim nasleđem i štite ga na brojne načine. Tako, podizanjem svesti o značaju sopstvenog okruženja i kulturnog nasleđa u njemu, i drugi biti inspirisani da se brinu o svom, a samim tim našem, zajedničkom nasleđu. Potencijal koji nudi kulturno nasleđe je ogroman i koristi svima.

Organizacija Serbia Global Art Team je ove godine prvi put učestvovala u ovoj manifestaciji sa različitim programima koji su bili realizovani u prostorijama Osnovne Škole ‚‚Sveti Sava‚‚ u Vrčinu. Đacima ove škole bili su predstavljene različite teme koje se bave kulturnim nasleđem Srbije.



Svečana sala OŠ ‚‚Sveti Sava‚‚ Vrčin

27.07.2016.  Predavanje i radionica ‚‚Kreativnost, identite, kulturno pamćenje‚‚12:00-13:30

Predavač: Mila Đačić

O srpskom folkloru (obredi i običaji), narodnom pevanju, narodnoj muzici, narodnoj igri. Projekcija odabranih odlomaka iz dokumentarnih filmova o srpskom folkloru, narodnoj kulturi i umetnosti. Demonstracija i učenje tehnika tradicionalnog narodnog pevanja.

28.09.2016. Predavanje i radionica ‚‚Kolaž u Beogradu‚‚ 12:00-14:00

Predavač: Marina Mitrić

Izrada i izložba kolaža i asamblaža inspirisana motivima Boegrada.

29.09.2016. Predavanje ‚‚Muzički vremeplov - muzički instrumenti iz arheoloških i muzeoloških zbirki

muzeja u Srbiji‚‚ 12:00-13:00

Predavač: Marija Rakić-Lovrić i Milena Vasiljević

O muzičkim instrumentima pronađenim na arheološkim iskopavanjima na teritoriji Srbije - datiranje, analiza, kategorizacija

European Heritage Days 2016.

European Heritage Days is an event that is celebrated throughout Europe. In Serbia, the year 2016 marks the theme "Cultural Heritage and the community - to live with the legacy." This year, Serbia has joined the initiative of the Council of Europe that the European Heritage Days at the European level would be labeled a common theme "Cultural heritage and community." The theme is based on the principles of the Framework Convention of the Council of Europe on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro, 2005), which emphasizes the important role played by the community in the management of their cultural heritage and the environment, emphasizing the value and potential of cultural heritage as a resource for sustainable development and quality of life. This has been chosen in order to highlight the importance of the work community - associations, families, groups of friends and others who manage their cultural heritage and protect it in many ways. Thus, by raising awareness of the importance of their own environment and cultural heritage in it, and others will be inspired to take care of her, and therefore our, common heritage. The potential offered by the cultural heritage is a huge benefit to all. Organisation of Serbia Global Art Team for the first time participated in this event with a variety of programs that have been implemented in the elementary schools, Saint Sava, in Vrcin. Students of this school were presented a variety of topics dealing with the cultural heritage of Serbia.



Ceremonial Hall of Elementary School, St. Sava, Vrčin 27/07/2016.

Lecture and workshop ‚‚creativity, identity, cultural memory,,12: 00-13: 30 Lecturer: Mila Đačić

About Serbian folklore (rituals and customs), folk singing, folk music, folk game. Projection of selected excerpts from documentaries on the Serbian folklore, folk culture and art. Demonstration and learning techniques of traditional folk singing.

28/09/2016. Lecture and workshop ‚‚Collage in Belgrade‚‚ 12: 00-14: 00

Lecturer: Marina Mitrić

Making an exhibition of collages and assemblages inspired motifs of belgrade.

29/09/2016. Lecture ‚‚Musical Time Machine - musical instruments from the archaeological and museum collections in Serbia‚‚ 12: 00-13: 00

Lecturers: Marija Rakic-Lovric and Milena Vasiljevic

About musical instruments found in the archaeological excavations on the territory of Serbia - dating, analysis, categorization

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